Straight from Science Communicator's diary..
Mumbaikar, local train is part and parcel of my life. Though office was 45
minutes away from home via local, for assignments and other stuff I had to travel
by local train. At that time I never thought of having a job on Indian Rail
Tracks. But all of sudden life took a sharp turn and I landed on meter gauge.
this journey is something different. It is not just any tour or trips neither
picnic. It has proper route which is taking each and every individual attached
to this train. I don’t know what route others will choose but I have not
decided any of them; so just decided to note down different routes.

soon I came to know about this offer, further decisions and procedures geared
up. It was not easy though. Leaving an organization like Times was really
difficult task for me. It was official agreement of course but emotional
particles were densely occupied my whole body. Cutting that connection might
have made me little matured though. I never wanted to leave those people that
corner seat and lots of human bodies filled up with emotional fluids. Somehow
it happened. Sudden exit.
taxi dropped me at my place but took totally different route. I told each and
every thing to Mr. Arvind Mishra, driver of that taxi. That middle aged fellow
couldn’t believe it. I took his blessings, hugged him and got down to take new
was completely unaware of till the date science express was inaugurated. Being
studied IT and Masters in Communication and Journalism with two years
experience in media house like Times, I had pinch of knowledge about biology
and related stuff. Somehow I started studying, reading and asking colleagues
about various stuff. Slowly I started grasping and understanding the things. But
to explain them one has to be clear with concepts. That took and is still
taking some time.
are here to explain content given coaches, give some knowledge or gyaan, clear few concepts and above all
spread awareness and message of save biodiversity to janata coming for exhibition. Apart from that SEBs i.e. Science
Express Biodiversity Special provides is Joy of Science lab, outreach activity
and platform activity. Explaining is the domain for each and everything on
board. Making people aware about losing biodiversity, saving trees, water,
energy and more on suggesting them some new and innovative ways to help them in
making this world a better place; is fun, enjoyment, entertainment, experience,
learning-teaching and sometimes frustrating also.
months are passed and we have come to Southern India from North via North-east.
We have not only crossed and passed just directions or states but also the way
of communication. Many of us use innovative ways and ideas to convey the
message and spread awareness. Planting a tree, recycling plastic, starting
eco-clubs, adopting some trees or endangered animals are few examples which
many of science communicators have used. Whenever I get coach of climate
change, I tell students to save paper. School children have this strange
impression in their mind that in exams, more number of supplements means more
marks. So I keep telling them that no teacher gets impressed with number of
supplements but with quality of answer. If one starts improving quality then there
will be no need of quantity.
and other things are there but one of the best parts which I have had till now
is quiz competition on platform at Cuttack with Rishabh Asthana. We both were
assigned platform activity. Our plan was to start something new other than
climate captain, who am I etc. We just came up with idea of quiz and we
implemented it. We used to go into each coach and ask that particular science
communicator to give some questions about that particular coach. On second day
we were ready with few questions and started it. For right answers we had
bought alpanlebe chocolate to give. We also gave those chocolates as token of
appreciation to kids who solved all the puzzles on platform.
third day we were ready with more questions and that too little difficult. This
time we had bought three books – Tell me Why, Puzzles by Shakuntala Devi and
Crossword. We decided to give these books to a person who will answer all
questions. On third day we got only one guy who could answer all questions. Not
only that but he could answer the most poisonous animal in the world, which was
something not there inside coaches. We were impressed by his answers and
awarded him with puzzle book.
and fourth day in first half we did not get good crowd. But post-lunch some
interesting students started showing up. We started quiz competition and
announced via microphone that winner will get some nice prizes. We were asking
questions one after another, for some we were getting answers whereas for some
we got silence from students. But suddenly one group of boys and another group
of 3 girls came and joined the quiz. There started something like competition
between boys and girls. Both groups were answering right and made tie. So we
planned to ask last one question and those who answer correct will be announced
as winner. Question was which – Gum of this plant is beneficial in treatment of
diarrhea. Name it. We had made this question on the basis of content in coach 6
i.e. Indian desert and semi-arid zone. None of them couldn’t answer so we gave
little hint. As soon as we gave a clue, girl replied with correct answer and
she got the award.
conducted other activities also but quiz was something I and Rishabh always
loved and we do. It is not just answering correct but knowing things related to
the answer of that question and there lies the fun as well as interest of quiz.
Pushkar Samant
I just want to know , how can i join SEBS? please let me know....